SAN DIEGO — Internet of Things (IoT) pioneer Wiliot has received recognition for its IoT Pixels and Visibility Platform on TIME’s list of Best Inventions of 2023.
According to Wiliot, its IoT Pixels only cost pennies to make and are versatile stamp-sized, self-powered computing devices that can connect anything to the internet through its attachment.
The company emphasized that the IoT Pixels are not just for large objects but can also provide data on the contents of shipping crates, such as individual packages of fresh produce or other perimeter products.
By connecting these products to the internet with IoT Pixels, Wiliot said the supply chain can easily exchange real-time data about the items, helping companies with traceability for FSMA 204 compliance, as well as their sustainability goals.
“Inefficiencies and waste across supply chains have a significant impact on the planet,” said Antony Yousefian, Wiliot’s VP of Climate & Circularity. “Wiliot addresses these inefficiencies by creating an ambient IoT that brings intelligence and internet connectivity to every single ‘thing’ in the global supply chain, enabling products to transmit item-level information about their location, temperature, and carbon footprint. We are honored to have Wiliot and our breakthrough ambient IoT Pixels recognized by the editors of TIME.”