Sushi sales will continue to surge, along with seafood trays for entertaining and other items, said Jason Resner, president at consultancy DNR Sales & Marketing Strategy Advisors.
As experienced in previous years, prepared seafood items are expected to continue to sell well this year due to shoppers’ busy lifestyles and the desire for healthy, restaurant-style meals.
Kelchner Food Products, a subsidiary of Huntsiner Farms, has debuted two gluten-free sauces: Yum Yum Dipping Sauce and Seafood Boil Marinade and Sauce.
While there have been increases in most other categories, value-added seafood entrées in the deli have declined 2.8% and seafood salad sales are down 2.5% for the year ending Dec. 1.
In addition to focusing on Listeria, FSIS anticipates that the 2025-2027 term committee will also explore food safety strategies for aged raw milk cheeses.
Americans on prescribed weight-loss medications are more likely to drink more water and consume more fruits, vegetables, protein and grains, according to a survey from the International Food Information Council.