ANAHEIM, CALIF. — London-based Unilever showcased a new product under its Hellmann’s brand at the International Dairy Deli Bakery Association (IDDBA) show June 5.
A representative for Unilever said the Hellmann’s Vegan Dressing & Spread was first made in gallon sizes for foodservice and instore deli use. After success with the first product, the company launched it in single-serve sachets this year.
The representative said that instore delis have been moving away from making grab-and-go sandwiches and wraps already dressed because the product gets soggy while sitting on the shelves. The solution to the sogginess is putting packets of dressing inside the grab-and-go packaging next to the sandwich or wrap.
However, Unilever noticed that these types of grab-and-go product selections often do not have plant-based varieties, and — always staying ahead of the curve — the company wanted to give vegan consumers the same convenient options in prepared foods.
The sachets can also be placed in the instore deli where other condiments are available for consumers to take with their hot foods and prepared foods purchases.
According to the representative, Hellmann’s Vegan Dressing & Spread is better than most plant-based mayonnaise products in the market because it is made with a starch-protein matrix instead of pea protein or fava protein. This means it does not have a grainy texture, and the flavor is spot-on to the real thing.