MORGANTON, NC. — Poultry processor Case Farms announced it reached three million man hours without an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost-time accident (LTA) at its Morganton, N.C., processing facility.
“This is a monumental achievement and wouldn’t be possible without the complete commitment from every Morganton team member,” said Tyler Parlier, regional safety manager of North Carolina Divisions. “The Morganton teams’ dedication to safety is unquestionable, and every team member should be proud of making this happen. We will continue to keep safety at the forefront of what we do as we push towards the next safety landmark.”
During 2023, the company also reached the two million man-hour mark at the plant. Over the past decade, the complex reached the one million man-hour mark on four separate occasions.
Case Farms stated it typically takes about five to six months for a facility to reach one million man hours without a lost-time accident. An OSHA lost-time accident occurs when an employee receives an injury where a doctor determines that the person cannot come to work until fully recovered.
The company said it implemented a company-wide worker safety program comprised of core elements needed to achieve its safety and health goals.