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ST. LOUIS, MO. — United Soybean Board (USB) Director Carla Schultz and U.S. meat industry expert Jesus Valdez explore how suppliers and retailers can position soy-fed pork to meet consumer priorities during a webinar hosted by MEAT+POULTRY. Registration for the webinar is available here.
Schulz and Valdez use the webinar platform to educate attendees on consumer preferences as well as the nutritional, environmental, and cost benefits of soy-fed pork.
Schulz, who owns and operates Eight Plates Farm, along with her family, explains, "In my 40 plus years of raising swine, we’ve always used U.S. soybean meal as our base.”
Case studies provide direction on how pork suppliers and retailers can effectively communicate soy-fed pork’s value to consumers.
“Consumers really want to support products that align with their personal values. You will likely have better results selling products that highlight growers’ stories and their dedication to sustainable stewardship," says Valdez.
Source: USB Animal Agriculture Survey. August, 2023.
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