BakeMark has announced the acquisition of Best Brands from CSM Bakery Solutions. The acquisition includes the brand and product portfolio.
"The Best Brands line offers a rich history of great-performing products across multiple categories that meet the needs of today's bakers," says Jim Parker, president and CEO of BakeMark. "We are excited to integrate another industry-leading brand into BakeMark's portfolio of brands, and even more excited at the growth opportunities it will deliver to our customers. This acquisition supports our ongoing efforts to create value for our customers and build our brands and markets in the coming years."
The Best Brands line includes bakery mixes, fillings, icings, as well as frozen bakery products. It will join BakeMark's portfolio of brands, which also includes Westco, BakeSense, BakeQwik, Trigal Dorado, C'est Vivant and Sprinkelina.