ANAHEIM, CALIF. – Banana bread and loaf and pound cakes are nothing new to Andover, Mass.-based Bake’n Joy. But until now, the company had never offered them sliced.

Bake’n Joy showed off its new sliced products at IDDBA ’23.

The fact that the new breads and cakes come sliced, combined with their being thaw-and-sell products, makes them a perfect fit for retailers facing labor shortages, said Jayne Kearney, Bake’n Joy’s marketing director.

The product ships ten to a pack and retails for about $6.99-7.99, Kearney said. And for retailers looking for an even lower price point, it can be repacked instore and sold, for instance, in a 4-pack for $4.99, Kearney said.

The line includes Banana Bread, Apple Crisp Loaf, Blueberry Loaf, Butter Pound Cake, Lemon Pound Cake, Marble Pound Cake and (seasonally) Pumpkin Loaf.