Stemilt will be sharing the company’s multitude of packaging options for apples and pears at its virtual booth for the Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) Fresh Summit.
“Stemilt’s mission is to cultivate people and delight consumers, and our apple and pear bags do just that,” said Brianna Shales, senior marketing manager at Stemilt. “All of our bags are grab-and-go opportunities that help sell large volumes of apples and pears. Consumer’s habits are constantly changing and evolving, and our team has done an impeccable job adapting to provide shoppers with packaging options that satisfy their needs.
Stemilt’s newest bag program, the Farm + Famous Tote Bag, displays instantly at retail and meets consumer demand for sustainable packaging. To ring up the fruit, the cashier will use PLU stickers on the apples to ring up the bag. It is packed in a display-ready Euro box with an earthy design that highlights the important work farmers do. Each bag carries about 4 pounds of apples and there are eight bags in each Euro.
Stemilt also offers Lil Snappers packaging for kids’ sized apples and pears, ideal for families. The package size lets retailers set a good price and drives more volume than smaller pouch bag sizes.
The fruit supplier also offers large apple and pear bag sizes, like the Apple Lover 5-pound pouch bag and the Rushing Rivers 4-pound and 5-pound pouch bags.
“Both of these packaged options are designed for heavy apple and pear users and considered big ring items for the retailer,” said Shales. “In fact, packaged pears make up 18% of the pear category for the total US but best-in-class pear retailers will have a much higher bag to bulk ratio.”