WINTER SPRINGS, FLA. - The National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB) is putting more of an emphasis on watermelon as a go-to health food that can boost happiness in the midst of coronavirus (COVID-19).
“While every audience is impacted, NWPB is working hard to continue to educate about those important health benefits, the terrific value for families of buying a whole watermelon, and how to use that one watermelon in various ways,” said Jesse Wiggins of Wiggins Farms and president of NWPB. “The opportunities for watermelon in the shopping basket, whether whole, mini, fresh cut or juice are endless.”
Wiggins pointed out that watermelon has health benefits of hydration at 92% water and is an excellent source of Vitamin C.
NWPB is running special communication initiatives and targeting foodservice and retail marketing efforts. The board’s retail and international marketing initiatives include:
Actively distributing Retail Kit and advertorial released April 8
Ibotta redemption offer planned for early summer
Shoppable recipe activation with Fexy Media in development
Independent grocer outreach via Balanced activation kit
Retail and international account management teams at the ready
For more of NWPB’s resources for retailers visit