WASHINGTON, DC – The US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Office of Food Safety (OFS) and Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) are hosting a virtual public meeting on Salmonella to discuss the agency’s commitment to reduce pathogen contamination by leading with science, building relationships, and influencing behavior change. 

The week prior to the public meeting, OFS will release the “Roadmap to Reducing Salmonella: Driving Change through Science-Based Policy,” which outlines how OFS and FSIS will advance programs and policies that are science-based, data-driven, and promote innovation to reduce Salmonella in meat, poultry and egg products. 

The public meeting is part of FSIS’ efforts to be transparent and share data with stakeholders, including regulated establishments, other government agencies, industry groups, and the public. 

The meeting will be held on Sept. 22 at 3:15 p.m. EST. The public will have the opportunity to submit questions to FSIS at FRM@usda.gov by Sept. 10. The meeting announcement comes after multiple, recent and widespread Salmonella outbreaks involving onions and peaches. 

Those who wish to attend the meeting can register here