Supermarket Perimeter is the indispensable source for the news and analysis that retail executives and buyers rely on for the latest trends and market changes impacting consumer purchasing habits and behaviors within the supermarket perimeter area. Our team of industry and editorial experts provide retail grocery executives and buyers with industry leading news and analysis to help increase their understanding of consumer purchasing habits and behaviors within the fresh perimeter and improve their bottom line. Each monthly issue dives into topics that are impacting the entire perimeter and features expert insights in each of the core areas of bakery, deli/prepared foods, produce, dairy, meat/poultry and seafood. Suppliers selling products into these areas can be confident that their marketing message in Supermarket Perimeter is placed within the content that matters most to today’s retail grocery decision-maker.
Each issue of Supermarket Perimeter includes Commissary Insider spotlights throughout the magazine related to commissaries, central production facilities and manufacturers that produce products for perimeter departments within grocery stores. These sections of the publication highlight R&D, operational efficiencies, packaging, technology, equipment and food.