By August, MyBacon was available in more than 650 locations in the northeastern part of the United States, said Sarah-Marie Cole, chief marketing officer.
The strategic decision to increase distribution is largely driven by the ever-growing lactose-free category, which is projected to reach nearly $20 billion in value by 2025.
The company shared that new products and additional SKUs from Truly Grass Fed made their way into stores such as Sprouts Farmers Market, Natural Grocers, New Seasons Market and MOM’s Organic Market.
Supply chain technology specialists ThroughPut.AI and Inteligistics are putting their strengths together to improve speed, accuracy and efficiency of fresh food supply chain operations.
In a typical grocery store, you can find most if not every thing on the FDA’s Food Traceability List. In addition, many grocers manage their own distribution centers, and may have food facilities that they own.
Harbinger announced at ACT Expo its order book, which includes 4,000 binding vehicle pre-orders from customers and is valued at more than $400 million.
By acquiring Hearthside’s manufacturing assets, Custom Made Meals said it will grow its regional footprint and improve the efficiency of the distribution network.