You may be monitoring your facilities to prevent the accidental inclusion of allergens in the foods you prepare, but what about your ingredients supplier?
FDA’s menu labeling rules under FSMA are to go into effect on May 5, and as of press time the industry’s countermove, the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act, has passed the House but remains in the Senate.
In the battle to maintain both freshness and government compliance, time-temperature indicators are one of those tools that every commissary and supply-chain professional should employ.
While blast chillers and freezers haven’t been very mainstream in the past, the technology has seen a resurgence of interest due to increased food safety regulations, and has evolved to work with almost any product.
Luminometers measure the potential for bacterial presence, basically detecting if a given area is a welcome environment that could harbor bacterial growth if said bacteria were to land there.
The year of implementation for the Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2011 is halfway through, and most businesses only have seven more months before they must be compliant with Rule No. 6.
Luminometers measure the potential for bacterial presence, basically detecting if a given area is a welcome environment that could harbor bacterial growth if said bacteria were to land there.