A new Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from CDC indicates that several workers who did not recall experiencing symptoms related to HPAI were in fact recently infected.
A panel of five consumers who identified as being curious and somewhat knowledgeable about food was recruited to be interviewed live and on stage at The Center for Food Integrity Transparency Summit held in Chicago Oct. 22-24.
The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) reassured people that the pork supply is still safe after the findings by the USDA and other state agencies.
Designed specifically for Hillphoenix CO2 systems, ChargeSecure minimizes downtime and offers peace of mind during power outages and service events by maintaining charge.
New details on the release show an additional 1,779,040 lbs of product will be subject to recall, bringing the total to 11,765,85 lbs recalled from this establishment.