ANAHEIM, CALIF. — New Kensington, Pa.-based Yerecic Label attended the International Dairy Deli Bakery Association (IDDBA) show June 4-6 to share its latest achievement for its SustainLabel line.

In March, the pressure sensitive label printer was awarded the recognition of Meets Preferred Guidance (MPG) per the Association of Plastic Recyclers’ (APR) Design Guide for printed pressure sensitive labels applied to Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) packaging containers.
“An MPG recognized label construction is designed to be fully recyclable to the highest standards of testing when applied to a PET container,” Yerecic said. “One of the most critical parts of MPG recognition is the lab report required by APR to prove that the label construction passes all established preferred testing protocol for pressure sensitive labels. This includes labels that cleanly separate from PET without leaving adhesive residue behind, a label substrate that floats in the caustic solution (rather than sinking once separated from the PET) and a non-bleeding ink system.”
The company said that its MPG recognition is an important step toward creating a circular economy for plastics in packaging.
“Poor package design leads to contamination in the recycling stream, which affects not only the recyclers, but also the companies who have made commitments to manufacture and source sustainable packaging,” Yerecic said.
For more information about Yerecic’s environmental efforts, visit the sustainability page on its website.