IRVINE, CALIF. — Due to winter and early spring rains in California, the avocado trees are in great health, according to the California Avocado Commission (CAC).

While the rains delayed the usual start of harvesting, CAC still expects the state to have a volume of 257 million pounds from now through the summer.

To keep up with the forecasted volume, CAC is going all-out with its marketing support.

“Members of the Commission marketing team have been out in California avocado groves this month seeing firsthand just how beautiful the trees and avocados are after all the rain,” said Terry Splane, CAC’s vice president of marketing. “Harvesting and retailer seasonal transitions are well underway.”

CAC said it will be sticking with its successful advertising campaign stating, “The best avocados have California in them.”

The Commission has identified groups of West Coast consumers who are “super users” of avocados and who are willing to spend more on premium brands. CAC will be targeting those groups with media plans informed by data from 2022.

“California avocado marketing support this season takes all the best from last year’s campaign and strengthens it with new tactics,” Splane said. “Retailers who merchandise California avocados are enthusiastic about the Commission supporting customized direct-to-consumer promotions designed to boost retailer business.”

For 2023, CAC is focusing on direct-to-retail promotions that support in-store merchandising, demos, and social and digital consumer communications. These efforts began in April and will continue through July.

Instagram post by CAC showing fresh produceSource: California Avocado Commission

One of this year’s unique marketing plans involves an eye-catching, fully wrapped BART train in San Francisco that will travel throughout the Bay Area’s rapid transit system.

To grab consumers’ attention while providing them with something useful, CAC will set up branded Volta charging stations in supermarket parking lots and in other high-traffic locations.

Users of the navigation app Waze who fall within the target market will see suggestions for retail stores that sell California avocados along their route, the Commission said.

CAC will continue to utilize its influencer marketing program on its Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok and YouTube channels. The program’s partners include influential content creators, recipe developers and dietitians.

Like last year, CAC will stream videos on channels like Hulu and YouTube and promote audio advertisements on iHeart radio, Spotify and Pandora as well.