WEST DES MOINES, IOWA — Hy-Vee has partnered with CM Systems LLC to deploy the ComplianceMate food safety system in all its instore kitchens, including its Italian, Asian, Hickory House, Market Grill, Meat, Seafood, Deli, and Bakery areas. 

"Through our partnership with ComplianceMate, we are ensuring our customers the best experience, the highest quality food, and the safest food prep," said Chuck Seaman, vice president of food protection and compliance at Hy-Vee. "We are proud to partner with a company that shares our dedication to innovation and superior customer service."  

The ComplianceMate system uses customizable food safety management software to automatically track key indicators of food safety risk. As the system generates data, it can alert any level of management – from store level to corporate offices – of potentially unsafe food before the food is served to the public.  

Thsystem also facilitates above-unit auditing for Hy-Vee and its third-party auditing group. Auditors can utilize the ComplianceMate system to gather and preview food safety data prior to entering stores.  

"ComplianceMate protects brands and their customers, but in the process, it also delivers enhanced operational effectiveness through analytics, dashboards, etc.," said Steve Getraerpresident of CM Systems. "We empower teams to achieve elite food safety performance with even less labor, ultimately improving service to Hy-Vee's own customers."

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