FOLSOM, CALIF. – The US Highbush Blueberry Council’s (USHBC) Grab a Boost of Blue campaign kicks off this month with a comprehensive marketing campaign and two resource hubs tailored to blueberry industry stakeholders and retailers.  

Designed to tap into consumer passion for blueberries, Grab a Boost of Blue seeks to motivate those consumers to enjoy more of the fruit they love and can be used in multiple points of contact in retail and digital channel promotions.  

After exposure to the Grab a Boost of Blue concept in consumer research and testing (1), participants significantly increased their purchase intent for both fresh and frozen blueberries: The top two box purchase intent for fresh blueberries increased by 30 points – 87% of consumers indicated they would definitely or probably purchase fresh blueberries on their next grocery trip.  

“Our strategic marketing program inspiring consumers to ‘Grab a Boost of Blue’ is all about driving demand and increasing sales,” said Kasey Cronquist, USHBC president and president of the North American Blueberry Council (NABC). “We hope that growers, marketers and other stakeholders will join in to encourage their own consumer audiences to Grab a Boost of Blue, as we believe this data-driven strategy will make a positive impact on both the industry as a whole and their own operations.” 

The Grab a Boost of Blue consumer marketing program focuses on six promotional “power periods” based on key buying periods and seasonal trends, encouraging consumers to buy and eat more blueberries during Heart Health Month (February), Frozen Food Month (March), Brain Health Month (June), National Blueberry Month (July), National Diabetes Month (November), and the end-of-year holiday season. Multiple consumer touchpoints for Grab a Boost of Blue are planned throughout the year. 

Also included in the Grab a Boost of Blue program launch are refreshed and targeted digital content across USHBC retail, consumer and health professional portals. 

The USHBC Grab a Boost of Blue Toolkit Hub includes resources, tools and advice to help capitalize on this consumer promotion program and drive year-round sales. Industry stakeholders are invited to use assets in advertising, point-of-sale materials, social media, public relations and packaging.  

USHBC Grab a Boost of Blue Retail Hub is complete with resources tailored to retailers, highlighting how Grab a Boost of Blue resonates with shoppers and that blueberries can drive the bottom line.