Recent findings suggest that while social media is an incredibly effective way to reach customers, website updates and emails remain the best for keeping your customers up to date.
According to a survey of 1,000 customers courtesy of Adobe Spark, 29% of customers have been seeking updates from their favorite companies’ websites, and 21% have been looking for info via email newsletters. Both were ahead of social media, at 19%. Following that were the news (17%), direct mail (7%) and mobile updates (7%).
While social media is rapidly gaining as a form of communication between businesses and customers, website and email newsletters can accomplish a lot. In fact, 70% of customers say a business’s website is the first place they go for specific information.
The survey’s findings don’t discourage businesses from using social media as a form of communication; rather, it should be considered a supplemental source of information to many customers. You should be using a variety of platforms to get your message across, but don’t sacrifice your website or email campaigns.
“Customers will always want on-demand information that allows them to passively find what they are looking for when they want it,” says Brian Nemhauser, senior director of product management at Adobe Spark. “But wise companies will complement that with a consistent drumbeat of social communications to maximize reach.”