Beef generates more dollar sales than any other item sold in retail grocery stores, according to a new study.
Beef accounts for 2.1% of total store sales, and 6.3% of all shopping baskets include beef, according to a National Cattlemen’s Beef Association study using IRI market research data.
The study also found that the average shopper basket rings up at twice as much when it contains beef compared to a typical basket. By generating greater sales across the entire store, it’s clear why beef remains a favorite retail feature item, says Alison Krebs, the association’s director of market intelligence.
“This new data not only shows the importance of having beef in the meat case, it also shows beef’s power in driving total store sales,” Krebs says. “And a key way to get these valuable beef shoppers in-store is to feature beef.”
When examining other protein options, the study found that beef in the cart drives 44% more total store sales than baskets with chicken and more than 20 times the sales of baskets with beef substitutes.[iii]