Keeping pace with increasing consumer demand for fresh  snacking options, Ready Pac Foods, Inc. is optimizing their delicious Ready Snax® line with a new flavor variety and improved packaging presentation and efficiency, aimed to further deliver on key consumer needs: freshness, healthfulness, convenience, portability and great taste.

As consumers learn about the most effective ways to maintain a healthy diet without losing steam, the snacking industry has been first in line to benefit. By bridging the gap between meals with healthy, portion-controlled snacks, this convenient source of fuel sustains energy levels, provides necessary nutrients and helps curb naughty cravings. The positive buzz on fresh snacking is still gaining momentum, as evidenced by the remarkable growth in the category, up +11% in dollar sales last year led by multi-component snacking, up +8%, and Single Serve Fresh Snacking with Components, up +26% (according to latest 12 week Nielsen data).

“By offering a wider variety of fresh snacking options, Ready Snax® helps our customers find more ways to support their healthy eating initiatives this year without the boredom and limitation we traditionally think of in terms of healthy eating,” said Tristan Simpson, Senior Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications at Ready Pac.

These newly enhanced snacking items feature vertically-oriented packaging to improve shelf space efficiencies, and fresh new labels with expanded nutrient information.  This timely refresh will be rolled out to all six delicious flavor offerings, including the newest Ready Snax®: Fruit, Cheese & Flatbread Crackers. In addition to their new snacking tray, Ready Pac is introducing Ready Snax® Snack Bags with sliced apples and baby carrots. Through convenient packaging and everyday low pricing, Ready Snax® are ideal for pantry loading, making it easier for consumers to affordably buy a week’s worth of healthy, delicious snacking choices to be better prepared when those pesky cravings strike!

For more information about Ready Pac’s new fresh snacking offerings, including their convenient line of culinary inspired Bistro® Bowl Salads and fresh-cut fruit cups, visit