Pumpkin is everywhere these days; from your neighborhood coffee house to your local grocery store. You can find it in your beer, your morning muffin, and even cream cheese. Though many pumpkin offerings are available year-round, there’s no denying the seasonal popularity of this particular brand of squash right now. Last year, pumpkin-flavored offerings in the U.S. grew 18.8 percent in Nielsen-measured retail outlets, selling over $290 million during calendar year 2012. However, has this flavor profile reached the saturation point yet? Have consumers reached “Pumpkin Fatigue”? A new Nielsen study examines the seasonal popularity and impact of pumpkin.


Pumpkin popularity is seasonal: 70 percent of pumpkin-oriented grocery sales in the U.S. occurred between September and November.

Pumpkin-flavored offerings in the U.S. grew 18.8 percent in Nielsen-measured retail outlets, selling over $290 million during calendar year 2012.

Breakfast foods are fuelling this growth, including 7 out the 10 of the top growing categories, ranked on dollar growth.

Beverage categories are also driving this growth, with beer in 5th place and cider in 12th place.