More than nine out of ten Americans are happy with their food choices, according to a new study.
Ninety-one percent of consumers told the Food Marketing Institute they were either very or somewhat satisfied with they ate in the past week, according to FMI research cited by Steven Harris, the association’s director of policy development and regulatory compliance, in a recent blog.
“While many eaters have contrasting views on what exactly they mean when they ‘eat well,’ food retailers across the country continue to implement new programs and abide by new standards that help the industry’s and consumers’ goals of promoting healthy eating,” Harris writes.
For some consumers, Harris writes, ‘eating well’ focuses more on a product’s ingredients than on its nutrition content. Over the years, he says, the food industry has been more and more transparent about the types of ingredients being used in its products, the sustainability efforts associated with the life cycle of the product and the importance of responsible sourcing for both the product itself and the labor used to get the product on the shelf.
“FMI and our members have worked closely with the U.S. Department of Agriculture as it implements a national standard for foods that contain bioengineered (BE) ingredients. Our focus on transparency will provide our customers with the information that they seek in a clear and consistent manner across the country.”