In addition to sushi, seafood trays and appetizers are among the biggest growth areas for prepared seafood items in the deli and the fresh seafood department. The upcoming spring holidays and events such as Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and Easter provide additional opportunities for incremental growth.
Sales of seafood trays shot up 37.6% over the past year, according to Circana, while volume also soared 35%. In the deli department, sales also rose 2.4%, but volume fell 0.6%.
“Seafood trays are growing rapidly and they are becoming one of the most popular categories in seafood entertaining, said Chris DuBois, executive vice president, Fresh Foods Practice Leader at Circana. “I expect trays to grow substantially over the next few years.”
The trend is a “natural evolution” that builds from the charcuterie trend over the last five years, according to DuBois. “It’s very natural for the millennial and Gen Z generations to include seafood trays as part of an entertainment occasion and makes for a spectacular presentation,” DuBois explained.
It is not just seafood trays that have realized growth, however. Seafood app sales surged more than 147% while volume shot up nearly 76% over the past year. Sales of seafood sandwiches also rose 7.3%.
“Deli entertaining has done well all year. Rather than just celebrating the big holidays, we see consumers a little more willing to splurge for smaller holidays and entertaining as well,” noted Anne-Marie Roerink, principal of consulting firm 210 Analytics. That is because, rather than gathering at a bar or restaurant, more entertaining and holiday gatherings are happening at home, she explained.
Shrimp rings are one of the most popular items, but retailers are getting more creative with entertaining options. For instance, some retailers are creating a mixed sushi platter. Others have added items such as smoked salmon bites for variety, Roerink said.
Jason Resner, president at consultancy DNR Sales & Marketing Strategy Advisors, suggests providing innovative apps and meals such as marinated shrimp skewers for grilling, ready-meal packages with items like fresh salmon and asparagus, seafood dips and spreads, crab-stuffed jalapeno peppers, and stuffed shrimp.
“The key to success here is being properly planned on target weeks to promote to maximize results and limit shrink/spoilage,” Resner said.
Because all things “board” remain popular — whether it’s the traditional charcuterie board, a hot chocolate board, or hummus, according to Roerink — “why not think creatively with seafood in mind?”